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Apple kvartalsresultat: Vinst 1.21 miljarder dollar.

Tråden skapades och har fått 4 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .
  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2009-04-22 22:46

2.2 miljoner sålda datorer, 11 miljoner iPods och 3.79 miljoner iPhones.
Läs mer hos Apple

  • Medlem
  • 2009-04-22 22:58

Jag vet inget om ekonomi, men det tycks vara ett förskräckligt bra resultat, med tanke på allting.

Verkar vara bra resultat. Försäljningen av t ex Macar har dock sjunkit.

MacRumors uppdaterar löpande sin artikel med mer info från telefonkonferensen. Mycket intressant information faktiskt, som att det numera har sålts totalt 37 miljoner iPhone/iPod touch.

Jag gillar även det här citat från frågestunden, angående marknadsandelar (min markering):

We are about making the best computers in the world, not the most. We believe that if we do that over the long term, we will gain marketshare.

Ursprungligen av Capeman:

Verkar vara bra resultat. Försäljningen av t ex Macar har dock sjunkit.

Kommentar från Apple var: Difficult to compare since MacBook Air launched last year which boosted sales.

Samt detta från frågestunden:

Q: Can you talk about the Mac business? How the new Macs are doing? And ASPs (average sales price)?
A: After we did the desktop launch, we shipped a higher mix of desktops before the transition and that helped the overall ASP down. The Pro products were weaker than in the year ago quarter. We believe that's mainly economic related. In addition, education in the U.S. contracted by about 11% year-over-year -- a result of the states not having the tax revenues for the quarter. Hope to see rebound this year. So, yes, ASPs did decline, desktops were a piece of it. Refreshing all the desktops in a single day really helped us drive more sales in March. The notebook business we did have an ASP decline which was reflective of a push towards the lower end price ($999) Macbooks. As a result, we see the consumer is holding up much better than Pros and Education.

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