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Ars analyserar sina troll och karaktärerna är bekanta

Tråden skapades och har fått 3 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

Tekniksajten Ars Technica har gjort en intressant genomgång av vilka läsarkommentarer som fått flest nedåtröster och funderat på varför samt analyserat vilka typer av troll de har hos sig. De listar några stereotypa troll som jag tror vi alla är bekanta med:

Son of the "I don't even own a TV" guy: This is the poster who thinks other people will find it interesting that he cares nothing about their discussion or their interests, and in fact judges himself as somehow morally superior as a result. The morphology of this on Ars Technica includes people popping into threads about Windows 8 to proclaim how they will never use Windows, people popping into threads about iOS 6 to proclaim that they never have and never will buy an Apple product, and people popping into Android related threads and claiming that they will never purchase "crappy plastic phones." In these cases, the posters have failed to understand that no one really cares what their personal disposition is on something, if they have nothing to add to the discussion.

Japp, den är bekant. Tillför ingenting, men måste berätta för alla hur ointresserad hen är.

The "I only know how to speak in hyperbole" guy: This poster is not always trying to troll, but it often looks like it. This is the individual who cannot introduce nuance into their point of view, but instead must use superlatives and extreme language in what I can only assume is an attempt to get attention. They typically love phrases like "worst ever," "new low," "complete fail," "absolute best," "going downhill," and the like. The broad, sloppy brush is the favorite tool of this poster.

Ah, överdrivaren! Den ser man då och då.

The "anybody who X is/does Y" guy: It never ceases to amaze me how many posters are willing to take one small facet of someone's life or identity (say, their choice in OS), and extrapolate from that all manner of ethical and moral criticisms, or perhaps more commonly, someone's intelligence.

Klassiskt trollargumentering om användare av Apples produkter.

The "Ars Technica is the worst site ever but I'll be back again tomorrow" guy: There's a handful of readers who simply dive into our comments to chastise us about how horrible we are, but of course they come back day after day. A variation on this is the "I can't stand your Apple coverage" guy, who nonetheless reads all of the Apple coverage and comments on it. Ditto for science, ditto for gaming, and other areas of the site. We've definitely noticed that these sorts of posts are getting downvoted as well.

Den här känner jag inte igen alls. Inte har vi väl troll som bara verkar komma hit kväll efter kväll för att klaga på 99mac? Näe, herregud, det vore ju väldigt tråkigt om så var fallet. Skönt att vi sluppit sådana.

  • Medlem
  • 2012-10-14 22:17
Ursprungligen av Adrian B:

Klassiskt trollargumentering om användare av Apples produkter.

The "Ars Technica is the worst site ever but I'll be back again tomorrow" guy: There's a handful of readers who simply dive into our comments to chastise us about how horrible we are, but of course they come back day after day. A variation on this is the "I can't stand your Apple coverage" guy, who nonetheless reads all of the Apple coverage and comments on it. Ditto for science, ditto for gaming, and other areas of the site. We've definitely noticed that these sorts of posts are getting downvoted as well.

Den här känner jag inte igen alls. Inte har vi väl troll som bara verkar komma hit kväll efter kväll för att klaga på 99mac? Näe, herregud, det vore ju väldigt tråkigt om så var fallet. Skönt att vi sluppit sådana.

Nej, eftersom vi fortfarande har gammelmedia i Sverige är de fullt upptagna med att kritisera Aftontpressen för okunniga artiklar, oftast om Appleprodukter, men fortsätter att följa samma tidning noggrant. När gammelmedia väl har dött kommer man väl att vända sig mot någon annan, tex 99mac.

Ursprungligen av Adrian B:

The "Ars Technica is the worst site ever but I'll be back again tomorrow" guy: There's a handful of readers who simply dive into our comments to chastise us about how horrible we are, but of course they come back day after day. A variation on this is the "I can't stand your Apple coverage" guy, who nonetheless reads all of the Apple coverage and comments on it. Ditto for science, ditto for gaming, and other areas of the site. We've definitely noticed that these sorts of posts are getting downvoted as well.

Den här känner jag inte igen alls. Inte har vi väl troll som bara verkar komma hit kväll efter kväll för att klaga på 99mac? Näe, herregud, det vore ju väldigt tråkigt om så var fallet. Skönt att vi sluppit sådana.

Haha! Underbart. Ja extra kul är ju hur dom här vargen-kommer-vargen-kommer Krösa-Maja-trollen som år efter år varnar/och klagar på siten sedan efter ett par år referera till hur bra det var för ett par år sedan...

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