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Tråden skapades och har fått 514 svar. Det senaste inlägget skrevs .

Tror att den första är Snatch (den lilla delen av den filmen man förstår engelskan på)

Clases är ju What's Eating Gilbert Grape

testar att lägga in en ny:
Anthony 'Swoff' Swofford: Suggested techniques for the marine to use in the avoidance of boredom and loneliness: Masturbation. Rereading of letters from unfaithful wives and girlfriends. Cleaning your rifle. Further masturbation. Rewiring Walkman. Arguing about religion and meaning of life. Discussing in detail, every woman the marine has ever fucked. Debating differences, such as Cuban vs. Mexican, Harleys vs. Hondas, left- vs. right-handed masturbation. Further cleaning of rifle. Studying of phillipino mail order bride catalogue. Further masturbation. Planning of marine's first meal on return home. Imagining what a marine's girlfriend and her man Jody are doing in the hey, or in the alley, or in a hotel bed.

  • Medlem
  • Skövde
  • 2007-07-08 22:31

Yes, Lasse Hallström-filmen är rätt svar.

Och jag kan svaret på nästa citat. Det är från filmen Jarhead.

  • Medlem
  • Skövde
  • 2007-07-08 23:02

Nästa citat: "It's as though we were made for each other. Beauty and the Beast. Of course, if anyone else calls you 'beast' I'll rip their lungs out."

och jag vet att det var jokern som sa så där i Batman

nytt citat:
Tonight, you men will sleep with your rifles. You will give your rifle a girl's name because this is the only pussy you people are going to get. Your days of finger-banging ol' Mary J. Rottencrotch through her pertty pink panties are over! You're married to this piece. This weapon of iron and wood. And you will be faithful.

Full Metal Jacket.

din tur

"You know what I am Bozz? I'm a butcher."
"Yeah, we all butchers, Miter."
"No, I'm a real butcher."
"Shit, you haven't killed anyone yet."
"God damn it, Bozz, I mean a real butcher. Back home I cut meat."

Arrr.. känner igen man kan inte placera.. tänka tänka tänka

  • Medlem
  • Skövde
  • 2007-07-10 00:35

Känner också igen det...det är taget från någon krigsfilm tror jag, men jag kan vara ute och cyklar....kommer bli en sömnlös natt...

Tigerland, en enligt mig bättre film än dess almänna rykte.

Helt rätt. Jag hade tänkt droppa en ledtråd så här efter frukost, att Nathan Larson skrivit musik till filmen, men det var ju helt onödigt. Dags att dra till jobbet i stället.

Colonel Nicholson: I've been thinking. Tomorrow it will be twenty-eight years to the day that I've been in the service. Twenty-eight years in peace and war. I don't suppose I've been at home more than ten months in all that time. Still, it's been a good life. I loved India. I wouldn't have had it any other way. But there are times when suddenly you realize you're nearer the end than the beginning. And you wonder, you ask yourself, what the sum total of your life represents. What difference your being there at any time made to anything. Hardly made any difference at all, really, particularly in comparison with other men's careers. I don't know whether that kind of thinking's very healthy; but I must admit I've had some thoughts on those lines from time to time. But tonight... tonight!

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2007-07-10 09:29

Scent of a woman?

Nope, men här har ni ett till citat:

I hate the British! You are defeated but you have no shame. You are stubborn but you have no pride. You endure but you have no courage. I hate the British!

Ahhh... Måste vara - Bron över Floden Kwai


Last lines:
-Madness, Madness

Din tur ru4real?


"Å henne har jag byggt en veranda åt....."

Smala Sussie

rätt... snyggt

Lite tur att man såg filmen för 2 dar sedan annars hadde jag nog inte tagit den;)

Nytt citat:
Remember those posters that said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life?" Well, that's true with every day except one: the day that you die.

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2007-07-11 12:19

American Beauty har jag för mig?

Jajemen, din tur

  • Medlem
  • Stockholm
  • 2007-07-11 13:54



- I once tried to count them all. I, actually, made it to four thousand threehundred and forty eight.
- You are exceptionally odd.
- I bet you're very popular with the girls.

A beautiful mind

Eftersom det är rätt så kommer ett nytt:

"if you ask a question.. Mr 44 here answers it"

  • Medlem
  • Täby
  • 2007-07-12 11:29
Ursprungligen av ru4real?:

Eftersom det är rätt så kommer ett nytt:

"if you ask a question.. Mr 44 here answers it"

"If you try to run, I've got six little friends and they can all run faster than you can"

"From dusk till dawn" om jag inte minns fel

correctomundo! Din tur

Coordinator: Crucifixion?
Prisoner: Yes.
Coordinator: Good. Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each.
[Next prisoner]
Coordinator: Crucifixion?
Mr. Cheeky: Er, no, freedom actually.
Coordinator: What?
Mr. Cheeky: Yeah, they said I hadn't done anything and I could go and live on an island somewhere.
Coordinator: Oh I say, that's very nice. Well, off you go then.
Mr. Cheeky: No, I'm just pulling your leg, it's crucifixion really.
Coordinator: [laughing] Oh yes, very good. Well...
Mr. Cheeky: Yes I know, out of the door, one cross each, line on the left.

Life of Brian?

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